Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fitness Diva

OH my goodness!

What a series of events I have been through these past few days..

What do they say..."everything in your life happens for a reason" , even the most upsetting....well I get that know.

My dear, dear, house cleaner wasn't feeling well in mid June. I told her she should get some blood work done. Perhaps something is off. Thinking nothing too serious. She was so healthy, full of life, looked great!

Well she ended up finding out that she was full of Cancer.  Not only that but it was  in the brain, lungs, lymph's, back, everywhere. OH MY GOSH!  Really!? how, what? why? She looked so good! She was doing so well!  This can't be.

I called her, sent  her some flowers ( what can you do?)  and we cried together. She was soooo scared.  I remember her words.  I told her to stay positive. She can handle this.  ( However, inside I was scared  too! how could this be happening??)

Well Monday night I heard she was in the hospital and her time was up. Again! this can't be! As much as I wanted to put my head in the sand and pretend this wasn't happening, I had to go and see her, talk to her,  or I would never be able to live with myself.

My neighbour ( she cleaned both of our homes- her only 2 clients at the time) and I went to see her, immediately that night.  Her family wasn't well, everyone was very upset, as they should was a terrible situation.  However, her husband let us go in to see her.  She was dozing off, but I told her Heather! we are HERE! It is Jill and Steph.  Grabbed her hand, as I knew  touch and sound is the last thing to go.  I didn't even recognize her at this point 2 months later!  SOOO incredibly sad.  She opened up her eyes, and put her arms up!  She wanted a hug!   I hugged her as tight as I could!  Told her over and over again, how it is going to be OK, she is sooo loved, she did a great job raising her family, we met them all ...she has done GOOD.  My tears were flowing, couldnt' they be. She asked us to stay. I wanted to,   however, we couldn't. Time was precious and valuable at this time, as her hours were near.  Her family needed and wanted her, asked us to leave.

The day after she died,  something strange happened. All of a sudden I got several emails from different people asking for my Business Card in Personal Training, etc.  She was always a huge supporter of mine, yet this has never happened to me before.  I have always been thinking of starting my own Personal Training Business and Heather knew that.  I honestly believe she was giving me the PUSH I needed.

I went to her funeral on Saturday, cried my eyes out, sobbed like a crazy woman, went through a box of kleenex,...then came home and guess what!? I got it started that afternoon!  I am now officially ...


Fitness Diva Facebook

I made my passion in life and Fitness legit. I have been doing it for fun for awhile now. Now it is time to make it official.

Thank-you Heather! you made this happen! xo  Rest in Peace. LOTS of LOVE to you...

Yup! Emotional Post.  The last time I encountered a moment like this it was my grand-father. After his funeral I went on a Ski Vacation, and came home pregnant with a little girl that I had always wanted!  Thanks Grandpa!

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