Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to School!

This summer has been a great one, due to more ways than one. YES, we had FUN, but honestly my kids are really growing up.  I have been hounding and nagging on them all these years to be helpful to others, help out around the house without having to be asked, help a neighbour, random acts of kindness, without expecting anything in return.  Respect your elders, and parents, be polite, etc..... This  is a  tough age.  PUBERTY and hormones get in the way sometimes. 

BUT, even though it has been a challenge, they are FINALLY getting it. They are doing it. They have been very helpful this summer, and I have seen a huge change. All of my flips outs towards them, has finally started to pay off. Who would have thought!?!?   They are turning into a couple of mature, appreciative, loving OLDER kids.

So normally I have a heck of a summer with them and am counting down the hours until they are off on that yellow school bus. Well today?  I was a little sad.  Not terribly sad, mind you!  But I wasn't jumping with joy. 

They are as tall as me now!

But this one was terribly depressed and sad. There she is all day long on her bed, staring out the front door waiting for the rest of the pack to get home.

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