Monday, April 23, 2012

FOOD, FOOD, FOOD! my week in pictures!

I have been a good girl all week, eating my home-made protein oatmeal on the go after each work-out.

Eating lean chicken and bean taco salads for lunches,

Friday came around- Was going to pig out with burgers, but I decided trout almondine, ( baked) with a fat free sauce that I made out of lime, wine, and garlic, some steamed mussels, and then I had a craving for snails!  So I made an escargot bruschetta on my seed bread that I made earlier, with low fat Swiss.  All on a big salad.

Saturday lunch!? What to make the family? No oven yet, so I found some home made naan that we made earlier in the week and Indian curry in the freezer. Put some arugula on , topped with sauce and a small amount of reduced fat mozzarella. BBQ to bake.

It is still Saturday, our day off from eating TOO healthy, and ribs were on special this week.  So Alan got the smoker out, the Green Egg grill and these babies became perfection by dinner time. He makes his own rubs, and sauces, and this one!? IS our #1!  We went on and on.....grilled some potatoes with cheese, and grilled veggies.


Sunday morning- I got spoiled!  Home-made biscuits, and sausages, with a Costa Rica Rice/Bean dish. SO bad for me, but SO good!

I kept being bad.  Toasted french bread with melted brie and caramelized onion. OH LA LA!

While Alan made his Tuscan meat time to make fresh noodles, but I ended up using the left over brie breads into croutons in the Caesar salad.

Here we are. BACK to healthy eating! MONDAY!  I had my work-out, my oatmeal, and lots of water....then a nice lean taco chicken salad for lunch ( I keep the meat portions in the freezer for quick meals)
And since I am teaching a Boot Camp tonight and won't be home until 7pm, I made this up for dinner. Kids will eat it too. Salad with roasted potatoes, beets, red quinoa, eggs, and drizzled with balsamic.

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