Monday, April 9, 2012

Fitness- Is it ever easy?

Some people think just because I work-out a lot, eat right 90% of the time, that it must be easy for me.

HA! not at all. In fact, here I sit, after a great week-end of goodies, drinks, chocolates, CHEESE and now that it is Monday, I need to get my BUTT IN GEAR again.  blah!

This is why I teach classes, as it FORCES me to be accountable and right now, I have to head down to my home gym and put together a tough boot-camp for tonight's class at 6pm.  SO I better try it out myself to make sure it is a good mix for the class. Then I better get working on my Core/Stretch routine, and Spin Class again.  I like to give my classes an entirely new routine each time.  I know, I don't appreciate doing the same thing over and over again...however, as an Instructor, that makes for a lot of work!  GOOD think I love thinking of new things and searching for music to work with it.

However, right now, I could TOTALLY sit on the couch in my PJ's with a big cup of coffee, and home-made bread, toasted with lots of butter and crispy bacon.....BUT!  Egg-whites and whole grain rye it was, and now off to put on my gym clothes and push myself- HARD.

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