Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year- New You!

Oxygen Women's Fitness Training New Year, New You

Love this article and wanted to share!

Five reasons to throw on a paper gown this year

1. Pelvic exam and pap smear.

2. Breast exam.

3. Blood pressure check.

4. Weight check.

5. Skin-cancer screening.

Five things to learn this year

1. How to read nutrition labels.

2. How to do a pull-up – even a single pull-up.

3. How to eat mindfully.

4. How to say “no” sometimes.

5. How to stand tall.

Five new ways to save money on health and fitness this year

1. Pre-pay for an annual gym membership; it’s usually less expensive than a month-to-

month renewal or daily pass.

2. Bike to work.

3. Hang out your gym socks, shorts and sports bra to dry; you’ll pay less on your electric bill and help the environment.

4. Refill a BPA-free water bottle at the fountain instead of buying a new plastic water bottle every time you go the gym.

5. Never grocery shop when you’ve got the munchies.

Five new places to try a workout this year

1. The local park – especially if it has retro fitness trails.

2. The swimming pool.

3. The bedroom (best with a partner).

4. The stairs up to your office – skip the elevator.

5. The airport: Walk laps to kill time during your next delay.

Five new foods to incorporate into your diet

1. Pistachios – They lower cholesterol and contain heart healthy fats.

2. Pomegranates – They’re packed with antioxidants and an animal study found they could help with inflammation.

3. Salmon – In addition to heart-healthy omega-3s, it contains bone-strengthening vitamin D.

4. Chamomile tea – A daily cup could help reduce your chances of diabetes.

5. Basil – Researchers are now finding that the yummy herb has anti-aging properties.

Five bullet-points to cross off your to-do list

1. Find a family doctor.

2. Schedule an annual physical and pap test.

3. Clean out your medicine cabinet, tossing all expired items.

4. Find a workout buddy in your city.

5. Get your flu shot.

Five healthy items to invest in

1. Pedometer.

2. BPA-free water bottle.

3. Well-fitting sports bra.

4. Workout journal.

5. Small, portable cooler.

Five words to incorporate into your every day

1. “No” (as in, you’re not going to have that second slice of chocolate cake).

2. “Natural” (as in, peanut butter and sweetener).

3. “Brown” (as in rice, cereal, bread and any other whole-grain item).

4. “Mindful” (as in eating and living).

5. “Healthy” (as opposed to skinny or fat).

Five ways to stay motivated throughout the year

1. Learn at least one exercise you find intimidating each month.

2. Sign up for a weekly group exercise class.

3. Load your iPod with new, upbeat tracks.

4. Ditch the people and situations that get you off your fitness track.

5. Find at least one restaurant near your home or work that serves a clean meal you can eat on days when you don’t have time to cook.

Five things to put off until next year

1. Organizing your gym-clothes drawer by color.

2. Topping your salads with radishes cut to resemble roses.

3. Perfecting every yoga pose.

4. Skydiving.

5. Doing your own taxes.


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