Friday, January 6, 2012

Fill your grocery cart with....

1. Celery

2. Green tea- natural- no sugar-  Anti-oxidant- Drink 2-3 glasses a day you could lose 5 lbs a year!

3. Watercress-  Peppery, yummy greens to pile on a sandwich- full of good for you stuff!

4. Spinach- eat 15 cups and you only consumed 100 calories- Plus it is great for repairing muscles, and really good sauteed with a little garlic.

5. Kiwi- Our largest " berry"- lots of good vitamins, low in calories and best if eaten with skin.

6. Swiss Chard-  15 different vitamins and loaded in Vit K ( something I need!)

7. Cottage Cheese- One of my favourites- Good for Protein, dairy, and the lowest fat cheese.

8. Green Bell Pepper- ( cheaper than the other colours) but gives you more Vitamin C and few calories than an Orange.

9. Broccoli- Put it up there in the amazing Spinach Category. I love making broccoli soup.

10. Bok Choy- cancer fighting nitrogen compounds. Plus super low in calories. Less than a stick of gum!

11. Mushrooms- Only contain 2 calories each. WOW!  Even better: cooking them in red wine, which contains the antioxidant resveratrol and magnifies their immunity-boosting power.

12. Summer Squash- I didn't realize it has 1/3 less calories than Butternut Squash! time to make the switch!

13. Shrimp- 16 large plump shrimp or one small 4 oz chicken breast- Same calories.

14. Radishes-  You can eat 6 cups of radishes for the same calories of 1 oz of baked chips Add some zip!

15. Cabbage- A great filler with little calories, lots of nutrients for soups and stews.

16. Scallops- fewer than half the calories you'd find in a piece of flank steak, and 14 grams of protein per three ounces, sea scallops - Plus they are SO good!

17. Cauliflower- One of my favourites to make cauliflower mashed potatoes - good for prostate and low in calories, high in fiber.

18. Asparagus- 2 lbs of it- less than 200 calories! I love it sauteed, with salt and lemon.

19. FISH!  any form of fish, but keep is simple and fresh. Bake or grill with a bit of lemon, wine and herbs.

20. Popcorn-  Air popped and squeeze some lemon and  truffle salt on top! my true LOVE!! YUM!

21.  Quinoa-  Full of protein to add to any meal- season with whatever flavour you like.

22.  Lean Spicy Turkey Sausage- I use this all the time to add to meat sauces and make meals feel rich, fattening, filling, but surprisingly LEAN!

23. Apples- Fiber and easy to leave in your purse for a quick snack without guilt

24.  Pumpkin puree- Always a great ingredient to muffins- without the fat- but lots of nutrients.

25. WINE!  gotta have wine.  nothing more to say about that.

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