Friday, January 13, 2012

Hamburgers! Healthy, low fat but so good!

Healthy Burgers

1 lb extra lean ground turkey
1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 carrot
3 cloves of garlic
2 cups of mushrooms- I like cremini for extra flavour
1 diced onion
balsamic vinegar
2 egg whites
salt and pepper and any other preferred seasoning to taste

In a food processor, add black beans, carrot, garlic cloves, mushroom and pulse until it its a paste.
Add to the meat and onion mixture, along with remaining ingredients.  Form into patties and freeze on waxed paper as they will stick, due to lack of oil.  BBQ from frozen so they don't fall apart. You might need to use a cooking spray on them.

I served mine on a bed of salad, ( I also made a protein salad of Edemame, Quiona and black beans.)  then a grilled large portobello mushroom, reduced fat goats cheese, sun dried tomatoes, and then the burger patty.  With a splash of balsamic vinegar glaze on top. No need for a bun! It was delicious, and I could barely eat it all!

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