Wednesday, January 11, 2012

4 week Exercise Plan- Want to join me?

Strength, Tone, Weight Loss- AT Home Body Work-out- 4 week plan

DO YOU want to follow along with me?  Do this 3 times a week- 48 hrs recovery inbetween.

You need a set of dumbbells, if you don't have a bench, do the chest press on the floor.  If you don't know HOW to do the exercise- GOOGLE it for a proper demonstration.

Weeks 1-2

1/ Mimic Skip ( pretend to jump rope) - 20 hops, 10 seconds of rest
Weighted Squat ( do not allow knees to go over toes!)- 12-15 reps, 10 seconds of rest

2/ High Knees- 20 steps, 10 seconds rest
Alternating Chest Press 12-15 reps (each arm)- 10 seconds of rest.

3/ Jump Squat- 10 reps, 10 seconds of rest
Shoulder Arm Shoulder Press- 12-15 reps( each arm)- 10 seconds rest

4/ Mimic Skip- 30 hops, 10 seconds rest
Alternating Bent Over Row 12-15 reps ( each arm) 10 seconds rest

5/ High Knees- 30 steps, 10 seconds rest
Alternating Lying Dumbbell Extension 12-15 reps ( each arm) 10 sec rest

6/ Jump Squat- 12 reps, 10 seconds rest
Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift- 12-15 reps, 10 seconds rest

7/ Mimic Skip- 40 hops, 10 seconds rest
Standing Zottman curl- 12-15 reps ( each arm) 10 seconds rest

8/ High Knees- 40 steps, 10 seconds rest
Weighted Russian Twist ( 15 reps each side) 10 seconds rest

9/ Jump Squat- 15 reps, 10 seconds rest.

REST for 2 minutes, then repeat the circuit once.

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