Sunday, December 18, 2011

Healthy Shepherds Pie to order!

I love to make individual dishes, so the meat lovers can get more meat, the veggie lovers get more veggies, the hot sauce lovers get it hot, etc...

So I cooked up some extra lean ground turkey and beef. Seasoned it lightly.
Made some mashed potatoes- we always add a bit of fat free cream cheese, shredded cheese, fat free sour cream , garlic, and a dash of bacon bits to ours.

Then I assembled them. Load them up with the veggies they prefer, the sauces they like, and put the potatoes on top.  It was a great hit at dinner- Everyone loved theirs. Next time I am going to make double and freeze them for a busy crazy day.

Marshall's meat lover one.

and mine- a bit healthier- full of broccoli, mushrooms and less meat!  ( not their idea of a good meal!)

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