Sunday, December 18, 2011

Busy Mornings!

Marshall has to be at the Arena at 6am-  Alan has to get to work, Alyssa has to get on the bus by herself, I do the pick up at the arena, then take Marshall out for breakfast,  grab a few groceries to school, then I teach a 1 hr spin class at 9am!

Busy mornings- plus this particular day we had hockey in the evening after school as well. Alyssa was playing out of town, while Marshall had a game in town. So Alan went with her, I went with Marshall.

Dinner wasn't going to be until 7:45pm that night- so we had to get prepared.

How can a busy family still eat right?

I'll show you.

The night before I had a Chicken/Squash/Veggie Indian stew all set to turn on in the crock-pot.  I leave it in the garage to stay cold, until I turn it on in the morning.  I put the ingredients together for my whole wheat seed bread to turn on , on timer.  Just need to add water and hit start. 

Alan has early morning protein smoothies for breakfast to drink on the go.  I pack my oatmeal, protein in a bowl and just add hot water when I am ready to eat.    Hockey bags, lunches and gym bags all packed to go!

Leave apples in the car- always a good quick snack, and you are set to go!

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