Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tonight's Spin Routine

Warm-up: Moves like Jagger 3:21

Push-pull, pull your feet up, focus on up, left foot, right foot, both, Neutral spine, belly button in like you’re wearing a tight pair of jeans, or about to get a puck to the gut! Shoulders up and back..neutral spine, use your legs and lungs, do not use the handle bar as your stress ball. Let it all out with your legs and breathing…knees straight ahead, and even ( demonstrate), wiggle fingers, 3 different hand grips, think of running over hot coals, lightly down, kick UP! Don’t mash down the pedal ( just your quads get the work-out) but if you – use a smooth motion, push pull, and you will recruit your glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors too! , SMILE, breathe, lift your ribs, drink, this is YOUR work-out….you decide how badly you want it.

ZONES: Sexy and I know it 3:19 Lets review our Zones-- Zone 1 easy- warm-up RPE- 5-6, HR Max- 50-60% Zone 2- Challenging, but comfortable, RPE-6-7, HR Max: 65-75%, Zone 3 Challenging, and uncomfortable- RPE-7-8, Max HR-75-85%, Zone 4- Breathless, not maximum, but close, winded. RPE- 8-9, HR max- 85-90%- ( move them all over the place for the remainder of the song)

Party Rock Anthem 4:23- Cruise at Zone 2 for 1 minute, “ shake that”- stand up- Zone 3, go hard ( 15 sec), sit back down, Zone 2 ( chorus) bring up the tension every 10 seconds..until “ shake that”…seated and drink. “ step up fast”- get up again, slowing bring up tension to maximum until music reaches peak, then back down, Zone 2, flush it out…sprint..Body posture check. GOOD WORK!

Pyramid; ( OMG- 6:35)

Zone 1, 30 sec, + 2 gears, 30 seconds. Zone 2- 30s- + 2 gears 30s, Zone 3- 30s- + 2 gears 30s, Zone 4- 30 s, push it! + 2 gears- 30s. Zone 3- 30 s, - 2 gears for 30s, Zone 2- 30s, - 2 gears for 30s….flush out.

Bon-Bon- 3:36- Jumps-  Up out of saddle for 1234,  over your saddle but not down 1234, Zone 2-3

We found Love- Rihanna- 3:36 ( new song- #2 on the charts), play with the music, feel it out, go hard when the song goes hard,

Rebellion ( Lies) 5:11 Hill Climb: Zone 2- 30 seconds, and increase by 1-2 gears every 20 seconds--- tough one! Long and steady, we can do this! Do your push/pull, use all of the leg muscles to help you out. Quads and hamstrings- make them both work for you.

Rain Over Me- 3:51- Look to your left. You are about to race that person. We are in southern France- The weather is great- small hills ahead though. Pace yourself, but try and get ahead when I tell you. That person to your left just passed you, crank it up to Zone 4, out of the saddle and pass them! ( 1 minute!) GO! You can do it! Chase them down….with a smile of course! Ok, time for a rest, you are in the lead, 1 minute of zone 2 recovery, but keep up the pace.. uh oh!? They took the lead on you again! ZONE 4, hard- 1 minute!….you WON! ( but somehow, we ALL won!? Yay! For us!)

We are the Champions! 3:01- Cool down….pat yourself on the back.  GOOD job!  woohoo!

Stretch the arms, get off bike, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, glutes, calves...

then off to do some Resistance training for Upper body.

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