Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Need accountability and support! .. aka KICK IN THE ASS!?

I have a friend that needs a little motivation and has asked for help.  ( Hi Amanda!)

 I know all of us need it, as living fit and healthy isn't always easy- for ANYONE. It's hard work, as it is so much easier to sit down and relax, put on our comfy PJ's, turn on the tube, or open a book/magazine.
Not to mention we have tempting, tasty convenience foods all around us, we're all busy, trying to make a living and keep life going  for the kids, husband, etc... ok...we all know, I don't need to keep going.

500 calories lost in a day will make you lose 1 lb a week! I promise you that.

Find a way, even it you only have 10 minutes to do a quick run or jumping jacks at your work desk! DO IT! What I have been taught.. when anyone asks? " What is the best exercise!?"  Answers:  " ANY that you WILL DO!"..

every little  bit DOES it in your food or activity level. 

So these are my tips:

1. Surround yourself with people that are fit, people that already have the routine going, and have kept it up. The last thing you need is for someone to say .." sorry, I can't join you at the gym today, or go for that walk"...or " it's OK to take that 1 little donut- I had 3!" Don't need that.   Usually these people are at the gym. You will get to know the "regulars" there, go and find out their names, and say " see you tomorrow!" and be there.

2. Plan your meals- Pick a day for the groceries and make sure you have all the ingredients. The crock-pot and freezer is your friend.

3. DO not eat out often. ( only very special occasions)

4. Eat all day long- But have small healthy snacks with you at all times. NEVER allow yourself to get hungry or the temptations get strong to grab that quick, greasy convenience food. ALWAYS have food on you

5. Read labels on food.  Only buy the items that you think are WORTH it....It's amazing what you find out by reading the labels. Eat well- if you LOVE cheese like I do, then only eat the aged, best cheese you can find. Remember, you won't eating the whole large pack anymore, so small and GOOD.

6. MOVE!  anytime you can move- do it.  Kids are at a sporting event-- you walk around the field, or arena, take the stairs anytime you can.... * remember every bit counts!* --10 minutes is all you need  but do it 3 times a day for cardio!

7. GAIN muscle-  it burns more fat. It is your friend. Get some weights- put them by your TV.  Do your reps, and increase 5% weight each time . Force your muscle to do maximum weight until failure. As soon as you can no longer do proper form, that is all you do. Do NOT do this daily. It will defeat the purpose. They need to rest to grow, so do this no more than every other day. Or use different muscles daily

8. FIBER! ( fills you up and goes down the toilet!) Plus helps prevent colon cancer, and stomach problems.

9. WATER!- gotta drink that, or the fiber will do the opposite affect. NOT cool.  Plus it fills you up, and replenishes your fluids so you don't feel hungry.

10. SWITCH It UP!-  keep your body in a good routine, but keep it exciting as well. Change a gym class, to something new, rev up your new music play list, join a sport, go for run that day, or go for a bike ride....swim...never let your body get " use" to all of this health and fitness....Keep it guessing!  Try new foods, start every meal with a vegetable ( soup or salad) easy on the sauce!

and WHY do we do all of this?  Because we LOVE ourselves and want to keep it that way!  YOU deserve it and you want to  be around longer!  1 hr a day, should do it.  Dedicate it to YOURSELF.  Your family and friends will LOVE you for it. Let one of your other " time wasters" go, and put it towards FITNESS and HEALTH!

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