Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today's Work Out- Focuses on a 6 pack of Abs!

I thought I'd share my at home work out today. I didn't feel like going to the gym, so this is what I did instead.

It focus's on Weight Loss, and a goal towards 6 pack Abs. I threw some lunges in there too.

Step 1: Run for at least 20 minutes- aim for 30 or even better- 5 km. ( you need to burn calories and fat to see these new abs of yours, right?)

Step 2: Rest for 3-5 minutes, drink lots of water.

Step 3: Do the Plank. Hold for at least 30 seconds, but you want to aim for 2 minutes eventually.

Step 4: Do 1 set 15 reps of V-up crunches - work your way up to 2 sets

Step 5: Do 1 set of 15 reps of Bicycle crunches- work your way up to 2 sets.

 Then I then took the doggie out to the mail box and back and did walking lunges there and back. OUCH!  ( I don't have a short laneway) lol

Rest at least 24 hrs before doing this again. You should be " aware" that you did something to your abs the next WANT that feeling, that means you challanged yourself enough that the muscle needs to repair itself and GROW!  IF you mess with them again during this repair process, ( 24-48 hrs) you won't get the results you want, and the muscle will continue to get damaged without being able to heal and grow.  Instead, work on cardio, arms, legs instead...then go back to the abs in a day or two.

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