Friday, September 16, 2011

Beach Body BootCamp!

Was today's work-out...

I went downstairs ( today is a PD day, so the kids are home with me) I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for my work out today. I was still a bit sore from yesterday's ABS. Oh my!  That one really works.  So I punched the bag for a bit...felt aggressive and on fire! ha!  Then got on the treadmill, but my back wasn't feeling it again today...

So Beach Body Boot Camp it was.

Burpee's X 10
Side Lunge X 10
Push-Up X 15
Jack Knife Sit-up X 20
Plank- 1 minute
Lateral Mountain Climber X 10
Reverse Lunge - X 20
Bench Dip- X 20
Russian Twist X 20
Split Squat Jumps X 10 each leg
Foot Up Split Squat X 10 each leg
Standing Side Crunch  X10 each side
Incline Push Up X 15
Side Plank 30 seconds each side.

REPEAT all of this 3 times!  1-2 minute rest and water break in between. 

 Aftewards I realized I made a mistake.  My abs should have been avoided in this workout today, since they are obviously still recovering from yesterday.  Right now- 3 hrs later...I feel tired, exhausted,  lacking any appetite, sore.   Am I coming down with a cold? Perhaps, but I think it is a huge RED FLAG! I totally over-trained this week.  NO more for me on the week-end...time to rest the body and get it ready for Monday.

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