Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Eve Festivities are in the works!

Every Christmas Eve, I host a wine tasting and dinner. I get cheeses shipped from the Country of choice we are celebrating and enjoying that night.

Last year, it was Italy.  Yes, we tend to LOVE Italy...

But this year, our theme is FRANCE.

Please join us, Christmas Eve for another fun family wine tasting and menu of goodness.

This years theme is  FRANCE.

The wine tasting is
Champagne, and Sparkling Wines ....preferably the region of France.

AND a Ginger-Ale tasting for our minors and adults if they would like....

Bring your bottle for the tasting event-  We will be pairing the champagnes with  local Caviar and French Cheeses

Dinner Menu:

Escargot in garlic butter and grated cheese

Coq au Vin

I need help with a vegetable dish that would be popular in France: Al and Ellie? S'il vous plait

I also need a French Dessert: Mom and Dad? S'ilvous plait

After our delicious meal we can monitor where Santa might be on-line and then get to bed....

I realize I could just call you all, but I thought this invite was fun! Talk to you soon.

Sincèrement, le ménage Lozon

So excited!

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