Thursday, November 18, 2010


Such a cheap dish, low fat,  but so good!  Something you can keep on hand in your pantry...always ready to prepare.

Just need some french bread, garlic herbed butter ( ok, that might be the unhealthy part of escargot) and wine. 

My Czech Republic friend has the cutest dishes she got while in France.  I was able to enjoy an evening of snails with her last night...

 I've always wanted my own shells and cutlery for snails, but not heading to France anytime soon, I don't think?  darn. So I googled. I found them!   I need these!

 the proper fork

now I have white escargot dishes, but the holes aren't going to be big enough if I use the I'm thinking I need to get these...

Such an easy dish.  Buy a can of snails, rinse, pat dry, shove one or two in each of these pretty snail shells, drizzle with herbed garlic butter. Make ahead if you'd like. Keep refrigerated, and bake until bubbling..

Serve with french bread and enjoy.

So WHY don't more people eat snails? I don't get it?

ps. When you are done eating, rinse the shells in a bowl of water, and let soak for a bit.  My friend said she puts her snail shells in the dishwasher!  I love it!

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