apple cider
kale ( including the stems)
green grapes
ginger root
chia if you can find it ( or any bulk fiber)
Courtesy of Joy McCarthy
Put the above in a blender and make a wonderful, yummy drink * yes! it tastes good!* I promise! and start your day right.
Go for a walk outside- Yes! that dog of yours is looking at YOU! get out there!- breathe in the fresh clean air and notice the nature around you...dress for the elements- there is no reason not to go out each day.
Head to the gym- feel the nice burn. Get a good sweat going on.. Be aware of your muscles, say hello and smile at others- give out plenty of compliments, don't argue, don't fight, but if someone starts? Change the subject. Smile...
Have a nice HOT shower, lots of nice smelling soap, and get ready for your day. Put ON your AWESOME pants, and continue to enjoy YOUR most glorious day you've been blessed with.
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