Time to get back at the gym
1 hr spin today!

This is how GOOD Spin is! Love it! I gave my husband a private class today...good times!
Now I am off to present this at my Resistance Training class tonight- Tonight we have to show 2 opposing muscle groups, exercises and stretches for them. Here is my plan.
AGONIST: Illiopsoas vs. ANTAGONIST: Gluteus Maximus
Illiopsoas- composed of 3 muscles- Iliacus, psoas major and minor. Together these muscles work to flex the hip, rotate the hip outward, bend the spine laterally and stabilize the spine.
When they get tight, your ROM in the thighs gets compromised, poor movement, running techniques, prone to injury.
Stretches before workout: Dynamic Stretch ( movement) Leg Swing- Best before physical activity- gets body ready for movement. Stand with Left side facing wall or table- Left hand for support- Right food on floor- Swing leg high up and down- Repeat with other leg. Can also do laterally.
Bound Angle Pose: Seated on floor- back straight, grasp feet and pull them in as far as possible, carefully push down your knees. Hold 20-30sec.
Exercise for the Iliopsoas Muscle:
Leg Lift: Simple way to isolate the hip flexors. Lie down on the floor with arms at your sides until straight. Lift your right leg until the hip is at a 90* angle, slowly lower down to the starting position. If more than 15 reps can be done easily, ankle weights may be added. Or progress by doing this in a standing position. Can do on chair or ball. Do 2 reps of 12.
GLUTEOUS MAXIMUS: The Antagonist of the Illiopsoas. The largest of the 3 gluteal muscles. ( maximus, medius, and minimus)
Gluteal Stretch:
In seated position, legs straight out- bend one knee and put over opposite leg. With upper body still straight- pull back on knee and feel stretch in opposite buttock. Hold for 20-30 seconds, switch.
Gluteus Maximus Exercise:
Leg- Buttock Raise:
Lay flat on back, arms at side, one knee bent, lift one leg straight up, body aligned, buttocks off the floor and down. 2 sets of 12 each side.
To make this more difficult, you can add weights, and or hold for a few seconds while up.
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