Sunday, September 2, 2012

Niagara Anniversary Get-away!

What a summer!  OH MY GOODNESS!  Each and every year, I think, how can we do anything more, fit more fun in? how could it be topped?  well each year, we find a way of doing it. My body is exhausted, I know I have gained a few summer fun pounds, but it was most definitely worth it and I know I can fix the damage once the kids are back to school and we get back into a normal routine.

For now, I need to share some fun pictures of FOOD! and FUN!

a HOT day with great friends, then BBQ afterwards...such a warm summer! The perfect way to enjoy it? See above!  Like our coffee table? It is granite you know! ha!

Off to Niagara- the crazy room we got!  It was HUGE and screamed HONEYMOON!

that's just the tub! The shower? Could fit about 10 people in there!  Crazy!

This came to our door each morning! Nice!

Lots of great wineries! We filled up the trunk to help stock the cellar!

the back side of my favourite winery due to the service, building and RESTAURANT!  Peller Estates.

SO lets get onto the fabulous FOOD there!  I had to order the 5 course tasting lunch menu.  Paired with wine of course! OH my!

Chef Jason parsons

Amuse bouche - smoked salmon on goats cheese and arugula. Artisian breads- ice wine butter.

First official course- Oxtail and beef Terrine with crostini and raw bean salad with white truffle oil. Paired with Pinot noir.

Soup- sliced apple with cider reduction and anjou pear soup. Put together at the table. Served with their

Pinot gris

Soda" palate cleanser"- reduced strawberries, red basil and add rose. Then carbonate like a soda

Next course! Grilled bison, on a bed of wild mushroom, white plum, fresh peas and aged 14 acres cheese Served with a Cabernet Sauvignon.

 then the cheese course!
Oaked Vidal ice wine

Smoked pear, toscano cheese, walnuts, nut cream     Final course! Dessert! Because I was still hungry and thirsty! Ice wine poached peaches on top of custard and pastry latke and ice cream served with Cabernet franc ice wine.   What an incredible meal!  If that was my last meal before death...I'd be OK with that!

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