Wednesday, August 1, 2012

H.I.I.T. on the Elliptical! LOVED IT!

I had to separate my kids, as the fighting was getting a bit out of control...SUMMER FUN! ha!  One is going through crazy hormonal, moody puberty, so that doesn't help matters at all.

But he loves to work out, so I took him to the gym with me this morning. He did his weight program, and I tried HIIT on the Elliptical. My plan was only 20-30 minutes as advised. Well, even though it was killing my ass, I didn't want to stop. I was dripping, had to get a towel, but I wanted to keep going.  I ended at an hour.

I kept going after this picture even! down though.  So I went 5.5 miles, but distance wasn't the key to this one, it was heart rate. I had my heart rate up to 170, then down to 130  the entire time, back and forth.

I now see why HIIT is a great way to work-out.  650 calories for that one too!

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