Monday, July 16, 2012

FOOD! as usual!

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I love the lavender tea bread so much, that I had to make some more for a little girls luncheon I had with my mother, mother in law, daughter and myself.  Served with home-made bread grilled with 3 different cheese...and salad. SO good.
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When the boys got back I wanted to make us some PIZZA! I love my big pan, so we can all have a slice of what it is WE like as we just divide the dough...Grill!

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Isn't she cute!

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Pumpkin muffins with cinnamon sugar on top! I love the new muffin wrappers I found!

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I always  bring a bread when we go to a dinner party. This is what I made last night.  Bacon and cheddar in the bread dough, then I put sun dried tomato pesto on the bottom, with artichokes, goats cheese, tomatoes, asiago, basil and olive oil and rolled up the edges to bake.

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I never ONLY make ONE loaf, I always double up, if you are going through the hassle, why not double it. So I tend to make loaves and give them away. This one went to my other neighbours house, left it on their counter, while we went to the next neighbours house for dinner!

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A lovely salad as our first course. Bib Lettuce, caramelized pecans, cheese and a few other yummy things!

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TERRIBLE picture I took, but they grilled us Capons on the Green Egg BBQ. DELISH!  with a nice bean salad and dipping sauce.  We brought some wine that was kinda getting frozen, so it worked out well on such a hot night...

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Then today! We all got together. ALL the neighbours that ate the above food and did this Boot Camp!  Time to get back to healthy eating and increasing the FITNESS! to compensate!

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