Saturday, May 26, 2012

Eating well, and not realizing it

It is very true! It works!  Reducing your Carb intake slightly, increasing lean proteins, plenty of water, lots of fruits and veggies, and eating every couple of hours, works!

I have been trying this, very casually!  I still enjoy my wine, my popcorn, and I didn't want to put myself ON A DIET...but I just made a few little changes and I am so pleased with the results!

I am at my desired weight, and I can now see great definition in my Abs.  As you can see from previous posts, I started using lettuce wraps instead of bread ...I reduced my cheese intake, I only worked out about 3-4 times a week. I wasn't doing anything crazy. However, it worked!

Now I don't want to throw it all away, I am trying to keep up here as I am so pleased. Last night Alan and I were without kids, we had a date night. Normally we totally pig out. We LOVE food....we love RICH food,  It was a great summer evening!  However  I have a tight little dress to fit into for a party tonight, so I wanted to keep dinner yummy, tasty, yet light.  This is what I came up with.

I found a full Rainbow Trout at the grocery store. Bones still in, skin on, so I stuffed it with lemon, fresh herbs from my garden and garlic. Placed it  directly on the grill. Yes, try it! This is how they serve fish in Italy.

There were some little sausage stuffed peppers there as well. Perfect! Put them on the grill too!

I love Portabello's, so we grilled them, but I made a blue cheese sauce ( 1% sour cream and a tsp of blue cheese mixed together to make a creamy sauce)  Added some crispy grilled pancetta on top. Pure YUM!

Steam some mussels on the side burner with with white wine, chopped tomato and garlic.

Did the fish with the skin, and head freak you out a bit?  No worries. Like I said earlier, when we were in Italy ( Sardinia) they served all of their fish dishes like this.  You had the option to have the server de-bone it for you at your table, but not wanted to sound like a Princess...I  said.." I'm good! I can do this myself".  It is so easy.  The skin and bones fall off easily so you can get to the delicious moist meat.

Great night! 

and guess what?

No big tummy in the morning! HA!

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