Monday, March 19, 2012

SO? Our Bootcamp Class?

Was a FULL house!

How great is that!?!?!

Now, we don't have a large room, as it is all we have access to at this point. Our YMCA is small, BUT- we are getting a new one next month! YAY!

However,  we had the room full.

Started with a great warm-up with Toni
I arranged 8 different Tabata Circuits around the room. Had them pick out weights that were challenging for them.

OFF we went!  30 minutes- GO HARD- GET IT DONE type of attitude. I played some good Rock, High energy Music and we did our best to keep everyone going....

Cool Down and Stretch

SWEAT central!  Drips on the was great!

We need to work on a few more things. I need a big whistle to blow out every 20 seconds for the switch, and I tried to work out with everyone, and that was a I will just lead and supervise next time.

However, that means, I now have to do a work-out at home to make up for it.  dang.

Looking forward to the next class!  We will be mixing it up each week, to keep people on their toes.

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