Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today's AWESOME work-out! woohoo!

I woke up- ZERO interest in working out today- nothing, nada, ugh, ick! NO!

But I forced myself, and next thing you know, I did this!  Absolutely LOVING the feeling now! Huge amount of endorphins!  So much accomplished to start my day right, that I have to share.

Jumping Jacks X20
High Knees- X20
Step Toe Taps- fast with arms- X20

30 second rest- but do some dancing moves, as you LOVE the music you have blaring so much!

Jump back and forth over step side to side, swinging arms X20
Squat Thrust X20
Side Punches- GO HARD! ( beat them!)  X20

30 second dance rest- grab a drink

Jumping Jacks X20
Incline Mountain Climber with step- X20
Toe  Taps with arms- fast! X20

30 second dance and drink rest

Squat Thrust X20
Side Punches X20
High Knee's X20

30 second drink and dance rest

Incline Mountain Climbers FAST!  X20
Butt kickers X20
Reverse Lunge and then KICK hard!  X 20 ( 10 each leg)

Treadmill for 10 minutes.  Light run

Abdominal crunches X20 ( using weights)
Russian Twist with weight X20
Ball roll-outs X20

Put on the punching bag gloves and punch the bag as hard as you can for 20 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of lunges, X3

Squats with weights X 20

Treadmill for another 10 minutes- 2 minute light run, then 3 minutes of a hard run, followed by 5 fast paced walk with arms.

Repeat Abs one more time: I like defined Abs- so I always add more.

Abdominal crunches X20 ( using weights)
Russian Twist with weight X20
Ball roll-outs X20

Stretches for 5 minutes...ahhhhh!

LOVE IT!  Time for my oatmeal with protein powder added, a big glass of water and shower!

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