Thursday, November 17, 2011

Personal Training- I need a " name"

So I have started to do in home personal fitness visits.  But I need help with an official " Business Name"

Should I just keep my name?  Do something funky? I don't know?
But what I DO know?


It's hard to believe it is an actual " job"...but yes it is.  The benefits? I have to stay in shape or otherwise, I'd look like a hypocrite!  My clients are great!   I pick the time, and what works with my family and my client. I can  be busy, or not.  I meet new people, and the very best part?

When you see someone transform!  You see the CHANGE! the Fitness Fever comes out in them, they totally change in every element of the body.  They are happier, they have more energy, they are seeing results - feeling sexy and fabulous and they are DEDICATED to health. They LOVE themselves and that is the best feeling ever.

The key? being ready, finding what works for you! Everyone is different. Once you find it and feel the fitness high---you are there!    WHY? Because YOU deserve it.

I had to laugh at this---- don't get me wrong- it is so easy to stay in bed and watch TV, no one absolutely LOVES exercise, but we ALL LOVE how we feel from it.  It's the... " I did it! I got it done and I am on on fire!! !" feeling...that is the best!

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