Tuesday, November 29, 2011


My husband and I with his MO-vember mustache...gotta love it...but only for one month of the year! thank goodness!

Looking forward to see how much we raised again this year.

here we were last year!

But this year, we added our Casino Fundraiser party to it all.  Sorry, no pictures from this year, but lets just say it was  a great night. Too much fun to even think about picking up a camera- that is a sure sing of a good party!

 Many tuxes, happy, dressed up people, great dealers, great cocktails, dancing and lots of money raised. However...I. AM. EXHAUSTED and this is my last year...sorry folks!  Time for  a  new Charity. We have raised so much for Prostate Cancer, now it is time to find something new...

 and these always cause a bit of fun- perhaps TOO much fun, but everyone is always warned!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Healthy eats- then week-end splurge!

Egg Whites , my home-made flax seed bread, salsa, sour cream, cheese and grapes. YUM!

head to the gym...

Have an apple after..

then a packed to go- great lunch! Protein!
Quinoa Indian salad, turkey sticks, egg, skim cheese, and grapes.

but the week-end?

Marshall's 12th Birthday- his request!?  Alan's " Cardiac Burgers!"  Two West Grey Beef patties grilled, served on a garlic grilled bun, with  Salt Lake city " fry sauce, fried egg with gooey yolk, lettuce, home-made dill pickles, bacon, Swiss and cheddar cheese. TO. DIE. FOR. Literally!

and another one of his favourites the following night- Bacon Wrapped Filet mignon, with herbed butter on top, twice baked stuffed potatoes, garlic bread and garden salad.

Yes, the kid likes his meat and grease!

All in moderation, right!?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Love this Quote-

Celebrate every change you make today, no matter how small. Because every step you take today, will lead you farther away from where you were yesterday, and closer to where you want to be tomorrow. ~ Be it a better life, a different life, or a dream we long to realize, we reach our destinations by taking many, many small steps in the same direction, one single step at a time.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Personal Training- I need a " name"

So I have started to do in home personal fitness visits.  But I need help with an official " Business Name"

Should I just keep my name?  Do something funky? I don't know?
But what I DO know?


It's hard to believe it is an actual " job"...but yes it is.  The benefits? I have to stay in shape or otherwise, I'd look like a hypocrite!  My clients are great!   I pick the time, and what works with my family and my client. I can  be busy, or not.  I meet new people, and the very best part?

When you see someone transform!  You see the CHANGE! the Fitness Fever comes out in them, they totally change in every element of the body.  They are happier, they have more energy, they are seeing results - feeling sexy and fabulous and they are DEDICATED to health. They LOVE themselves and that is the best feeling ever.

The key? being ready, finding what works for you! Everyone is different. Once you find it and feel the fitness high---you are there!    WHY? Because YOU deserve it.

I had to laugh at this---- don't get me wrong- it is so easy to stay in bed and watch TV, no one absolutely LOVES exercise, but we ALL LOVE how we feel from it.  It's the... " I did it! I got it done and I am on on fire!! !" feeling...that is the best!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Friday's 1 hr Spin- 700 plus calories!

Well, I had a few people asking me to please teach another 1 hr Friday morning class!  So  I don't want to disappoint. This is what I have lined up for tomorrow! Can't wait! I love this group! They are so motivated and want to WORK HARD! love it.

1 Hr Spin

Warm-up- Rain Over Me- Pitbull- 3:52- Positioning, neutral spine, straight ahead, push-pull, kick up, walking on hot coals, small circles, hand positions, shoulders up and back…

ZONES Review- No Superstar- 4:09-

Sprint during chorus; Zone 2-3-Club Can’t Handle Me-3:53

Party Rock Anthem: 4:23- Cruise at Zone 2 for 1 minute, “ shake that”- stand up- Zone 3, go hard ( 15 sec), sit back down, Zone 2 ( chorus) bring up the tension every 10 seconds..until “ shake that”…seated and drink. “ step up fast”- get up again, slowing bring up tension to maximum until music reaches peak, then back down, Zone 2, flush it out…sprint..Body posture check. GOOD WORK!

Bon-Bon- 3:36- Jumps-  up-1234,  down-1234

Pumped up Kicks- 4:00- Heavy Climb- Zone 2 for 1 min , Zone 3 fo 1 min, Zone 4 for 1 minute, Zone 2- flush.

Whip it- Tabata Strength 2:41- Zone 4- 20 and 10 rest.

We found Love- Rihanna-3:36- Go with the music, sprints, hills, Zone 2 1/2

Don't stop the Party- Pyramid- 6:07- Zone 1- 30, Zone 11/2, Zone 2, 30, Zone 2 ½ 30, Zone 3 30, Zone 3 ½ -30, Zone 4- 30seconds, up 2 more gears for 30, slowly back down every 30 seconds, flush it out.

OMG-4:29- Cruise- get a drink, etc…time to collect ourselves, re-fill water, breathe...

Tabata Strength- You really got me Van Halen- 2:39 20 seconds Zone 4, 10 rest.

Jumpstart- 3:29 –Sprints- during chorus, Zone 3 entire song. Seated or standing, whatever works for you. Just keep up with the beat of the song.

Check it Out-3:58- Hills Zone 2, increase slowly up…

3:06- Jumps. Up for 3, down 3 X 6 times. Zone 3. Rest for 30 seconds. Repeat.

“ Enter Sandman- Metallica”
5:31: We’re going to start off this somg with an out of the saddle climb. Jack up the tension Zone 2 and find the beat. Get aggressive for the choruses, just like Metallica.

Follow You Follow Me: 4:03- Cool down

Day and Night- Stretches

Pack a lunch that you will love!

I started packing my husband and I these protein packed, yummy lunches. I call them HEALTH!
So good.

Just drizzle with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar..

Turkey bits, eggs, cheese, raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, and loads of veggies!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tips for Eating Right while traveling or on Vacation

OK, how HARD is that!? 

VERY hard...I always fall off the deep end when I travel, as we have to eat out 3 times a day, I am a huge snacker, so I am always hungry, and food selections aren't always that HEALTHY.

Typical 1000 calorie- diner breakfast.

So try this!

PACK your OWN Breakfast. Not only will it save you money, but it is a great start to your day, will fill you up, it's super healthy and can sit in your suitcase. All you will need to add is hot water. Ask at your hotel, use the coffee maker  to get it, or go to the local coffee shop and ask for a cup of Hot water.

Breakfast Packages

In a Zip lock bag: Add.

1/2 cup of rolled oats- Quick Oats that only need hot water
1 Tbsp flax seed
1 scoop of Vanilla Protein ( your choice but find one with reduced sugar)
Dried fruit of your choice
Pinch of Cinnamon.
Slivered almonds if desired.

Add it to your cup of HOT water, stir and cover for 2 minutes.

Open and ENJOY!

Filling, convenient and healthy!  ALSO Perfect for your car, desk at work, or a quick thing to grab at home in the morning on your way out the door!