Friday, September 9, 2011

30 minutes of SPIN! Get set, ready GO!

HI Wendy! Hope you  try it! :-)  have your trainer help make sure you are set up on the bike properly and get the seat and handles at the right height, and show you proper hand positioning.  Spine Neutral, look ahead, relax your hands, belly button in towards your spine...lots of water...GO FOR IT GIRL!

I'm now going to be volunteering at our local YMCA to do the Spin part of a 1 hr class of Spin and Sculpt.  This is an after work bunch- 5:30 pm, they are looking for a good work-out, fun music, and I HOPE they want a challange as that is what I love to do.  Normally, you'd want at least 45 minutes for Spin, but we only have an hour. 30 minutes of it geared towards Spin. So this is what I have come up with. I can't wait to mee the class and try it out!

· No Super Star- 4:09

- Warm up- pedal with just enough tension to feel in control… Push-pull, pull your feel up, small circles, focus on only using left leg, right leg, both. Neutral spine, belly button pulled in, looking out onto the “ road”. Handle bar is only there for balance. Don’t use it as a stress ball during the class! Use your legs and lungs- …breath in and out, deeply and slowly even during sprints. Knees straight ahead and even. Think of running over hot coals, lightly down, kick up….shoulder blades back…SMILE! ( introduce yourself to your neighbour that you will be sweating along with!)

  • OH LALA- 3:24- Review Zones 

  • Start in a nice casual ride…ZONE 1. Easy warm-up HR-around 50% Rate of Perceived Exertion-5/10, crank up your gears, ZONE 2- Challenging but still comfortable- 70% HR, Exertion: 6-7. Zone 3- Crank up more- Challenging and uncomfortable- 80% HR, 7-8 exertion. Zone 4- Breathless, but not max. Winded, 85-90% RPE: 8-9.

 Hill Climb RPM-    Zone 1- Seated Sprint for 1 minute, Zone 2- Seated sprint- 1 minute, Zone 3- seated  for 30 seconds- Stand for 30. Keep the pace to music. RPM- Zone 2- seated Sprint-1 minute- Zone 3- seated for 30, standing for 30, repeat

BON-BON- 3:36

 Jumps on counts of 4
 entire song- Zones- 2.5-3. ( Up 1, 2, 3,4....down 1,2,3,4)


- cruise and drink- Zone 2. (1 minute) “ shake that”- stand up- Zone 3.- go hard ( 15 sec), sit back down, Zone 2. ( chorus) bring up the tension every 10 seconds…until “ shake that”…seated and drink. “step up fast” get up again, slowly bring up tension to maximum… until music reaches peak, then back down, zone 2, flush it out. Sprint.  Body posture check.

  • PAUSE-3:00-

  •  Zone 3 entire song. Do not change gears.  Standing, go hard, then stop-pause. Quick starts. 40 seconds, in- seated, until chorus- up, go hard, stop, quick starts, switch legs. ( apologize for killing them in the quads!)

  • BORN THIS WAY-5:22- 

  • Drink! Zone 2- sprints- RPM: 100 1 minute sprint.. push-pull up your feet, pretend you are kicking your behind

 Start to cool down--  Zone 2- stretch out back, twist to the left, twist to the right,  bring down heart rate…slowly reduce gears…

Slower music of choice to stretch out hamstings, calves, quads, hip flexors and glutes!

Now the next 30 minutes will be toning, with weights, and resistance tubing, balls, etc...

Great work-out!

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