Sunday, July 17, 2011

It's HOT here, our A/C isn't working, so time to plan a meal for the water!

I thought we better get organized in the kitchen before the house got too hot. So I looked in the fridge, found some left-overs ( the Arctic Char and Scallops) I put some ingredients to make bread dough in the bread maker..found some leftover meats, cheese, sauces... and came up with this!

Taco salad, and Seafood Salad...sliced up some oranges and veggies, for kids, and brought down a large watermelon...

I made 3 different Stromboli's. Pizza ( Pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella, and pepperoni)
Salami ( Salami's  and some old aged cheddar)
Prosciutto, artichoke sauce and Swiss

  Baked them up, thew some cookies in the oven at the same time. *( I freeze cookie dough balls when I make cookies, and keep them in a large Ziploc bag- so I can bake cookies quickly and easily at any time)*

Got the cooler packed with iced tea, water, and Rose!

Voila! Great day!  We didn't come back to the house until sunset..

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