Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Entering another Chicken Dish Contest! Excited!

Remember how I won a contest a couple of years ago? Just a fluke?  But I won a Brick Oven and was published in the WISH magazine,  Website and in the Toronto Newspaper. I actually had a strange old man call me, asking me if the chicken breasts needed to be bonless or not?! wow. That scared me a bit!?

Here is the recipe, in case you are curious or need an easy, SUPER easy recipe that I have been making for years...

Stephanie's Easy Chicken

My only regret? I just wish I gave it a more interesting name!  lol

But now they have another contest, this time the prize is a

which I could use right now, as mine is giving me grief.

I just need to submit a one dish chicken dish, by the end of the month with pictures. SO today, I am off to the grocery store to get some chicken, some ingredientst that inspire me and give it a whirl!

Wish me LUCK!

ps: I will be sure to post the recipe I create ( with pictures) on here.

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