Thursday, November 18, 2010


Such a cheap dish, low fat,  but so good!  Something you can keep on hand in your pantry...always ready to prepare.

Just need some french bread, garlic herbed butter ( ok, that might be the unhealthy part of escargot) and wine. 

My Czech Republic friend has the cutest dishes she got while in France.  I was able to enjoy an evening of snails with her last night...

 I've always wanted my own shells and cutlery for snails, but not heading to France anytime soon, I don't think?  darn. So I googled. I found them!   I need these!

 the proper fork

now I have white escargot dishes, but the holes aren't going to be big enough if I use the I'm thinking I need to get these...

Such an easy dish.  Buy a can of snails, rinse, pat dry, shove one or two in each of these pretty snail shells, drizzle with herbed garlic butter. Make ahead if you'd like. Keep refrigerated, and bake until bubbling..

Serve with french bread and enjoy.

So WHY don't more people eat snails? I don't get it?

ps. When you are done eating, rinse the shells in a bowl of water, and let soak for a bit.  My friend said she puts her snail shells in the dishwasher!  I love it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kim Crawford - Marlborough Sauvingon Blanc

Love! Love!  can't say enough!

It's kinda won a " few" awards.....not surprised!


Mimolette is a cheese traditionally produced around the city of Lille, France (where it is also known as Boule de Lille), and also in some areas of Belgium and the Netherlands, such as Flanders (where it is also known as vieux Hollande).

It was originally made by the request of Louis XIV, who wanted a French cheese to resemble Edam. In order to differentiate it from Edam, however, he had it colored orange.

A cow's-milk cheese, it normally weighs about 2 kg (approximately 4.5 pounds). Its name comes from the French word molle, meaning "soft". This refers to the softness of the crust when young - with age it becomes harder. It has a gray crust and orangish flesh. The orange color comes from the natural colorant, annatto. The cheese has a similar appearance, at first glance, to a cantaloupe.

The greyish crust of aged Mimolette is the result of cheese mites intentionally introduced to add flavor by their action on the surface of the cheese.

Mimolette can be consumed at different stages of aging. When younger, its taste resembles that of Parmesan. Most cheese-lovers appreciate it most when "extra-old" (extra-vieille). At that point, it can become rather hard to chew, and the flesh takes a hazelnut-like flavour.

I saw this cheese at my favourite " candy store" in Thornbury.. The Cheese Gallery
From the colour of it, I knew it had to be good. I asked for a sample and she laughed...I just got this in. I haven't carried it in my store, since it is one of the most expensive cheeses out there. $100/lb.  Alan laughed at me.." of course she had to find the most expensive cheese to taste!"  There aren't any price tags on the cheese on display, so I had no clue.

Well I tried it, and it was TRUE love....  I don't care. I needed a small slice to take home. WONDERFUL cheese...if you find is worth a try.  You won't be disappointed.