Thursday, October 21, 2010


I love the real stuff made locally in Italy.

However, you can't buy the " real stuff" here in Canada.

You can't even make the REAL stuff here in Canada, as they use Ever clear which is so high in alcohol that it is illegal here, due to the fact that if a dumb person tried to drink it straight up...they'd probably die.

Don't get scared....Lemoncello is delicious! A nice after dinner aperitif.  Italians usually make their own...with their own lemons and bottle it themselves. They are very proud of their end result, with very good reason, as a small sip of it is absolutely delicious.

So I have come up with my own " Canadian " solution. It will never replace the real stuff, but it sure has come pretty darn close!  Without the same amount of alcohol.

1. Buy a 750 ml bottle of Vodka.
2. Peel 10 lemons with a vegetable peeler.
3. Put Vodka and lemon peel in a container and let sit for a week in a cool place.  Swirl around daily.

4. Strain the vodka to remove all of the  lemon.
5.  Make 1 cup of simple syrup.   Boil 1 cup of water in a small pot and add 1 cup of sugar, stir until dissolved. Let cool.
6. Mix lemon vodka and simple syrup. Store for 1 month in the refrigerator.

ENJOY straight up, or use it recipes, such as Limoncello risotto,  melon with Limoncello, or my big plan is the make the ULTIMATE Limoncello Cosmo!  I will try it out on my friends this week-end and get back to you!

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