Sunday, July 18, 2010

My addiction to POUTINE!

oh my goodness. It is terrible. I could eat Poutine day and night...but unfortunately, it isn't the  healthiest of choices! ugh.

So what do I do to satisfy my cravings? Nooo, I don't head to the local chip stand...and get it smothered in grease...but am very tempted!

Healthier Poutine- HA! oxymoron!

Bake some reduced fat oven fries
Use canned Poutine gravy from the grocery store- surprisingly enough, it is low in fat and calories
1% shredded cheese.

Voila!  oooey gooey GOODNESS!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie,

    Wow never had poutine but so tempted. I see it at take-outs but I feel so guilty even thinking about ordering it. Your low fat version might be just the ticket.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower!

