Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer is HERE! yup! that view of mine is back...

gosh! How I love living here when I look out and see that gorgeous view! But that also means we entertain more, we eat more, we drink more, we gain MORE!

I enjoy sitting in my Muskoka chair, sipping, nibbling and that is about it for the summer.

So I have joined SOCCER!

Never played it in my life, but a good friend convinced me to join. So there we are. In these cute uniforms, with college level competitive athletes HALF our age. Oh boy! trying new things keeps you young, right?

The good part is they are very nice, patient, understanding and forgiving! We are learning the game and getting an AMAZING work-out. They say you run over 6km during every game. I swear it is 10k!  But it is FUN, so off we go. One night where I have to get my butt out of the lounge chair and put the wine glass down.

So I tried some Black Bean/Turkey Burgers this week.

Very good. Just need a bit more spice, so I will work on those before I post a recipe to share with my foodie friends.  I'm also working on the most amazing BEEF BURGER on home-made buns for the people that can eat a 1 lb burger and 19089089 carbs and still be oklol  Fun to do though.

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