Monday, June 21, 2010


So my Pilates class is over now.  Summer is here. Normally I hire the Instructor to come out to my house and instruct a class for us Wednesday mornings, and have a few neighbourhood ladies over to attend the class.

It's usually WONERFUL!  9am, out in the grass, view of the blue bay, birds and waves making a nice background noise, while we all work those abs, legs, core!

However, I find it a bit stressful, ensuring there is enough ladies that come to make it worthwhile for our Instructor, worried about rain as sometimes we have so many ladies, that I'm not sure we would have enough floor space inside my  house.  Then I have to make sure the grass is cut and not too wet.

So this year, I have decided against it. However, I am worried about my body. Without Pilates, I tend to get " soft".  I'm going to have to look into finding another class, or learn how to teach myself.  I hope I have the self-discipline.  I am planning on taking a Fitness Instructor course in the Fall. Instructing Pilates  outdoors in nature ( summer) ...would be my dream and I hope to make it happen. I'd be in great shape from teaching everyday, that is for sure!  LOL

ps. I found this amazing website if you want to make your own Pilates Routine to fit into your lifestyle.

Pilates Work-out On-line

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