Sunday, April 11, 2010

A " Foodie" date night while in Toronto- a Little Quebecois!?

We are off to Toronto next week...I was searching for some fun things to do..

Well I came across this!

Sounds like something we would most definitly like! Cheese, wine, art!?  YES, YES, OUI!

looks like  a nice place!

A Taste of Quebec's Tasting SeriesCheese and wine a la Quebec

Experience the delicacies of Quebec "une bouchee a la fois" (one bite at a time) while surrounded by art from various of the province's prominent artists in one of the Distillery District's galleries. Fromager Thom Sokoloski and cheese and wine enthusiast Caroline Charest lead the way at each 90-minute tasting soiree , featuring fine cheese and wine pairings. Each tasting is limited to 20 persons



Learn about the practices and the ethics behind organic (biologique) milk production and how it is contributing to enhancing the subtleties of flavours in pasteurized and unpasteurized cheeses. You will be led through a tasting of organic cheeses from Quebec paired with organic wines.

AND look at their selection of cheeses, all for sale!

Maison affinage Maurice Dufour

- Migneron

- Ciel de Charlevoix

- Tomme d'Elle

- Secret de Maurice

Laiterie Charlevoix

- Vieux Charlevoix

- Fleurmier

- Fleurmier small

- 1608 6 month

- 1608 12 month

- Hercule 6 month

- Hercule 12 month

Fromagerie Chaput

- Métis

- Monterigie

- Filou

- Vacherin chaput

- Rose blanche

- Enchanteur

- Champagnole

- St-Maure Chaput

- Prestige

- Rondoudou

Fromagerie Domaine Féodal

- Cendré des prés

Fromagerie Tournevent

- Chèvre noir 2 years

Fromagerie de l'Île-aux-Grues

- Riopelle

- Mi-carême

- Tomme de la grosse île

Fromagerie Perron

- Cheddar 4 years

Abbaye St-Benoit

- Bleu Bénédictin

- Le Moutier

Fromagerie Fritz Kaiser

- Sœur Angèle

- Clos St-Ambroise

- Empereur

- Miranda fromagerie

- Raclette Fritz

- Douanier

Fromagerie FX Pichet

- Réserve de la Pérade

- Baluchon

- Cru Champlain

Fromagerie La Vache à Maillotte

- Allegretto

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