Monday, January 11, 2010

Stay Tuned!

I've been pretty busy lately!
But also quite excited, as I am in the process of making my very first cookbook!

From reading this blog you can see I love good food, good wine, entertaining, having fun, yet I want to keep my healthy BMI and cute jeans! What's a girl to do? BUY my book, ofcourse! :-)

So I am creating a book that focuses on healthy alternative recipes, splurges on the week-ends and special occasions...what to do when you only have 10 minutes to make a quick meal for your family? what to bring to the school bake sale, entertaining tips, table settings, casual and formal stuff! It will be the " FABULOUS woman's COOKBOOK!" for the woman that might not have the time to do it all ( do any of us?) yet, wants to throw fabulous dinner parties, stay healthy and fit, be a fun-loving mom, wife, everything! Without the extra work! FABULOUS! lol

It should be a fun and quirky book with a good sense of humour! I am pretty excited! can ya tell?

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