Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1st- 2010

Well here we are....the holidays, parties, fattening food, cheese, wines, champagne, chocolates.....are very much enjoyed and now all sitting on our hips. Well perhaps YOU were good during the festivities, but I wasn't. I do this every year, and I will admit. I know I am going to gain a few extra pounds and feel like crap when the parties are I do my best to get into the best shape I can prior.

Well I did a pretty good number on myself this year!

I tried to get into my skinny cute little Bebe jeans that I splurged on last year. LOVE those babies! I call these my WAKE UP CALL jeans. I can only fit into them when I am in good shape, and taking care of my body....well guess what?
I got a big slap on the face!, hips! They weren't just tight, I seriously could NOT get them over my thunder thighs! I couldn't even get them on.


I am NOT going to stand on the weigh scale right now, as I am not ready for that yet. Plus I tend to continue to gain a few days after my induldgence, so the number wouldn't be true. All I know is that I feel icky, bloated, and unhealthy right now. That is enough.

Time to face reality and what a perfect day to start. I am so happy that as of today --  (  oops! correction after breakfast- as I had company and I couldn't  possibly serve them egg whites and all-bran now could I?)  I am  back on TRACK! I am cleaning out my body...getting back into my healthy routine that fuels my body so I can feel good about myself, and have the energy to enjoy my day.

YAY! It feels great! HAPPY 2010!

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