Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gourmet Family Night!

Alan and I use to always pull out the big old French Cookbooks and spend hours deciding on a meal and  making it together on the week-ends. You know those ones! The ones with odd ingredients that you have to search out...the ones with 25 different steps, the ones that are presented on a plate like a piece of art. Yes, we have all seen those in magazines and books, and normally we skip by them, as WHO has time for THAT!?

Well we use to enjoy doing that together. But once we had kids, things changed a bit.  We had to find something we could make under an hour or two!

But now our kids are older, and they really appreciate  food like us. I am quite happy we have always exposed them to different cultures of foods, and have always made them TRY a bite before they are allowed to say " I don't like that!". That never works in my house. One must ALWAYS try one bite. If you still don't like, it, fine. GO and make yourself something else to eat! HA!

So they are pretty good eaters now. Which is nice, as we can basically eat out anywhere. Plus I know my kids can eat at a friends house and I don't have to worry about them. I know they will eat just about anything! lol

Tonight we have decided to have a GOURMET family food night. Each person in this household is responsible for atleast one dish. We pulled out all of our dusty, fancy big elaborate cook books and we have all picked something to make.  Alan and Alyssa are off getting the groceries now. Stayed tuned for a wonderful meal!  From ALL over the world! We have quite a mix of food for tonight.

OH! and you KNOW I will be taking pictures like crazy! ;-)

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