I adore my class, I have so many regulars. All great people, that love to have fun on the week-ends, but also want to be in great shape. So they want a hard Spin class. Spin is the best calorie bang you can get and I make sure we get full use out of our hour on Fridays as we are all busy people, so lets get it done!
I normally have a sign up, as people are always asking. " Are you going to be here Steph!?" I am not on the regular schedule, as I do this just for fun, I am not part of the " staff"...just a volunteer. Well, this past month I have been noticing my signs that I post have gone MISSING. Imagine that. No comment. ps: I am not the only Spin Instructor at our local Y.
Since it is the Christmas Holidays, my sign has been removed and things are slow, I assumed that it might be a quiet class,. Perhaps just Alan and I. Which is OK, as we both need the caloric burn after all the drinking and eating we have been enduring.
We got home Thursday night and there was a message from the lady at the front desk at the YMCA. " Stephanie- people have been calling -asking if you are going to run a Spin Class tomorrow morning!? ...are you? as they want me to call them back?" wow!? Really? People calling about ME!? crazy.....so I called back and said, yes. the class is still on, even though my sign was taken down. So sorry for the inconvenience.
So then I thought I better make sure I have a kick butt class, as if these people took the time to call the Y, and come in over the holidays for Spin, I better not disappoint. I made sure I had a good routine, new music, challenging, as we all need the extra kick! I made sure the room was booked for me as you just never know.....got it done. ( ps: even though it was suppose to be booked- it wasn't! Good that I called!)
The next day, I get there. Arrive to the room. The night staff put way too many bikes in the room. I was thinking.." oh gosh! Now I have to put them all back, ugh... waaaay too many bikes!"...ha! Well- lots of people walked in- strangers- and my regulars- bikes got taken...we had to go to the storage room and get MORE bikes....those were all gone, then we had to go to the Conditioning room and get the last 3 bikes...that was it. MAXED out! The room was crowded! It was great! I couldn't believe my eyes. I thanked them all! NEW people that I have never seen before- All via word of mouth.... ( remember- NO sign, I am NOT on the schedule, and it is Christmas Holidays)
That totally MADE MY DAY!
SO- I had to kick their butts!
HOW!? I had a great routine ready for them. I warned the new people. 1 hr. Intensity will be too high to talk, you need water, and will get a break half way in between to get MORE water if needed. This is an intense class to burn maximum calories, get your water ready, your towel for the sweat, get your groove on- LETS GO!
Well ..20 minutes into the class- not even near our half-way mark! people got off their bikes to get more water already!!! Then one girl came in---more towels anyone!? I knew I did my job! All was good! YAY! These people are working! ( I had to joke! come on girls! 2-3 water bottles for this class or get yourselves a camel back hydration back-pack!!)
OH! and today we learned that the Keiser Spin bikes can't go past the 1000 calorie burn. After that it starts at zero again! HAPPY! wow!
So off we went... Here was my routine....
1 Hr spin
All My People- 3:52- warm-up. Pedal with just enough tension to feel in control, push-pull, feel the entire pedal stroke, don’t hammer down. Knees’s straight ahead, not over your toes- if so, adjust seat backwards. Shoulders up and back, neutral spine, abs engaged and IN. Look straight ahead- 3 different hand positions for intensity. Vision yourself running over hot coals, quick, light steps..fingers loose,
Good Feeling- 4:06- Zone review along with hand positioning. How HARD do YOU want to work today!?!?! come ON!
We found love-3:36 Hills- Zone 2- 30 seconds, Zone 3- 30 sec, Zone 4- 30 seconds, Zone 2 fast-30, Zone 3- 30 seconds, Zone 4- 30 seconds.
Sexy Chick-3:16- Jumps- Zone 3- UP 2, 3,4, DOWN 2,3,4- Entire song. Work that BUTT!
Hey Baby- 3:56- Pyramid- Zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 ( 30 seconds each)
Party Rock Anthem: 4:23- Cruise at Zone 2 for 1 minute, “ shake that”- stand up- Zone 3, go hard ( 15 sec), sit back down, Zone 2 ( chorus) bring up the tension every 10 seconds..until “ shake that”…seated and drink. “ step up fast”- get up again, slowing bring up tension to maximum until music reaches peak, then back down, Zone 2, flush it out…sprint..Body posture check. GOOD WORK!
Pain-3:51- LONG Endurance Tabata- 20 and 10. - Called PAIN for a reason!
Feel So Close- 3:28- * Musicality Spin* Zone 2 for 30 seconds, - music changes, Zone 4, 20 seconds, then standing jog Zone 3, Sit, Zone 2, stand, Zone 4, then Zone 3 standing jog when music is fast.
Jumpstart- 3:29- Zone 2-3- sprint during chorus. Keep the beat
Bon-Bon- 3:36- Jumps- UP 2-3-4 DOWN 2-3-4 Zone 3!
Keep the Beat Dirty-5:34- BREAK song- Refill water, wipe the sweat- breathe…chat about the week-end!
Ready to Roll- 3:11- Tabata Strength.- OK, party is OVER! Everyone is going to hate me again! WORK IT GIRLS!!! give it 100%
Club Can’t handle me- 3:53 Zone 3- sprint during chorus.
Sexy and I know it- 3:19- Zone 2- “ girl look at that body”- get up- Zone 3- increase slowly…peak out…. “ sexy and I know it- Zone 3- seated” sprint to beat, until “ girl look at that body” * repeat*
“ Enter Sandman- Metallica” 5:31: We’re going to start off this class with an out of the saddle climb. Jack up the tension Zone 2 and find the beat. Get aggressive for the choruses, just like Metallica.
Meet me Halfway- 4:44 Guys vs girls. Zone 3. Will I am, vs Fergie. Go hard when up.
The Scientist-5:09- Cool down
Someone like You- Adele- Stretches
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