It is something we all try to achieve and work on. But what is right, and what isn't? What DO you do? Do you need to buy all of those infomercial gimmicks? HECK NO!
First of all, we all have these muscles in there. ( look down) YES! you have all of those, even if you can't always see them.
The key is to make sure you don't have too much belly fat, otherwise they get hidden. Plus it is nice to pump them up a bit and make them hard and noticeable.
So what do you do?
All sorts of things can help. You don't have to turn it into a huge a bit every day and try and find things that are fun for you to do and pack your healthy snacks and lots of water for the day, so you don't get tempted.
Ok, so see that big muscle in the middle? The Rectus Abdominis?
Well that is our super muscle. It is the one that likes to do all of the work. But if you only allow that one to do it, then you will end up with a huge Rectus Abdominis that sticks out and nothing else. So it is very important to incorporate ALL of our muscles in there.
There are tons of ways..
Pilates! Oh my gosh! I love Pilates because it emphasizes doing abdominal exercises WITHOUT using our big mama muscle. ( my new name for Rectus Abd) Lay down. Neutral Spine. Legs flat. Try and come to a sitting position without raising your legs or using your arms and DO NOT allow Big Mama to get used. She will try...believe me, she wants to work....A good way to focus on this is to imagine your belly button is touching your spine...hold it in....look straight ahead....focus...over time it will get easier and easier. You are forcing all the other abdominal and back muscles to work...they aren't used as that is good. Doing less, but doing them right is more of a benefit than doing lots, but not necessary the right way. ( in all exercises!) WORK your Transverse Abdominus....those babies will give you a tight, flat tummy.
SPIN! We all know how much I love Spin, so much so, that I am now teaching it! YAY! Well you are thinking, how can SPIN work my abs? Well almost everything we do, can work our abs if we are conscious of it. When you are on the bike....bring that belly button back to your spine again...keep your back neutral. Not only are you burning off the FAT, you are working your abs...all of them.
Just get one. Put it at your desk, by your computer, where you sit most often. Even in front of your TV. Have it replace your " chair". You won't even realize it but you will constantly be using your abs more than you think...keeping stable. Plus it is good for your back and is pretty comfy! So you are at the office working, sitting on your ball. You have lunch break. Now what? Go and find a nice small space and do some fun exercises with it. You can google and find LOTS. Go for it. Russian Twist is my favourite. Or laying down. Put ball between your feet. Raise it to your arms, and pull over head...and back again. All remaining flat on the floor. Belly button IN!
PICK UP YOUR PACE WHEN WORKING OUT! Including my beloved SPIN! ...But any form of working out while doing Cardio. Running, walking, step class, Keep it up for at least 20 minutes, 3 times or more a week. Watch your waist get smaller.
FUN things to do that work your abs?
I want one of these...looks like fun! Paddle boarding- again...balance...belly button IN.
Side Bends: While standing with one both arms at your side grab a dumbbell with one arm and then lower the weight . Now with your obliques raise the weight to until you are crouched on the opposing side. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Lots more you can GOOGLE...keep them close by. I take mine down to the water when I am swimming at our beach. Do them there...why not? The view is nicer.
Now lets talk food. That is the HUGE issue here ( I'd say about 80% of the issue) ...we can make our abs look great, but who would know if they have a nice roll over top? blah! No fun....but here are some simple rules. I need to follow them too.
1. Stay away from the Bread Basket and all of that yummy pasta! But it is OK to have your whole grains and very filling high fiber oatmeal, brown rice, Bulgar.... get your carbs that way. Eat most of your carbs in the morning and slowly reduce them, that way you have your day to burn them off before they store to fat.
2. Limit your Booze- sorry. A big culprit. :-(
3. Limit a handful of this or that when you are hungry...force yourself to eat your fruits and veggies for snacks. Eat all that you want.
4. Water! Lots of it.
5. Lean protein to build up those muscles and not add the fat. Fish, Skinless chicken, Lean Turkey, or Turkey Sausage, Beans, Lentils, Eggs, READ the labels.
6. CHOCOLATE skim Milk has proven to be the BEST drink after a work out to promote muscle building and speed recovery.
monounsaturated fats, which stop the blood sugar spikes that tell your body to store fat around your tummy.
8. CUT calories...pretty straight forward- Less IN more OUT. Smaller, healthier meals.
9. Reduce Sodium. That just adds more bloating and fluid retention.
10. Increase fiber AND water. Stay regular.
11. Fill your plate with fruits and veggies. Half of your plate! Not just a little bit....find the ones that you love, eat them raw, steam them, just don't FRY them, or add lots of butter, sauce, anything with lots of fat. Read the labels.
12. Popcorn! That is my love! Fills me up, full of fiber and satisfies my cravings...I enjoy a large bowl each evening. I just don't add butter. I sprinkle mine with aged balsamic vinegar! try it! pretty darn good!
These are just a few of my personal suggestions. There is so much more you can do...but this is a start! Good luck!
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