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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Holiday FOODIE pictures

Alan and I- on holidays!  What a great week!

Nice backyard eh? ugh.  I will discuss that on another post.  My hubby took a picture of me on our way to our Charity Casino Party that we put in. We raised over $1000 for the FOOD Bank!  It was so much fun!  I am mad that we didn't get a couple picture as he was wearing his Tuxedo that night too.

Why not try making a Rainbow Cake?

It was a bit of work, for the quality of the cake in the end, but it sure looked cute!

Raclette night- We ARE on holidays! Eating well.....so yummy!

We went to some friends for dinner, so I brought this bread.  Basically white bread then I shaped it and stuffed it with crispy pancetta, tomatoes, garlic butter, cherry tomato's and lots of swiss cheese.....garnished with my fresh basil.

I also baked a gorgeous 3 layer Red Velvet Cake with cream cheese icing, but I didn't get a picture. Oh darn! It was delish, and my hubby is still mad that we didn't bring any of it back home with us.

AND, because I like to be a gracious guest, I made them some cinnamon/raisin/nut bread with maple syrup butter for their breakfast the next morning...

After a fun day playing in Collingwood and Blue Mountain, we came home and made yummy pizza!  I love the peppery arugula, blue cheese, mushrooms, pineapple and LOTS of buffalo mozzarella on mine.

Then back to Monday. The party is over.....but that is good, or I'd be huge!  Time to get back to healthy eats.  Last night I had this yummy meal. A bed of arugula on the plate with grilled veggies ( zucchini/mushrooms and cherry tomatoes) pine nuts, goats cheese and grilled chicken. All drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

and since my honey couldn't eat it last night, as he had lacrosse, I  made us this for our little fancy date lunch today.  So pretty. I added some quiona and sliced apple to the salad, served with a fine selection of French Cheeses that we bought on Sunday at one of my favourite stores.

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