Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fitness in Kuai, Hawaii!

due to the 5 hr difference, we're up early, so why not start the day right with a tour around, run, squats, lunges, push-ups,

Our start area, as the gym was usually full, and the scenery is so beautiful! LETS GO!




Lunges up-hill...better than just running!  You should have seen the looks we got when others ran by...come on people!  You can work out anywhere....don't JUST those muscles!  Get strong!   Work those quads, glutes and hamstrings, biceps and tripceps...and look at that view! He still bitched, he complained, but oh well!  This took us  40 min each day, then he went to the gym to lift heavy weights,  while I continued with arms, core and cardio.......He did great!

We had to get him a new bathing suit....he has been training so hard these last few months! WAY to go honey!

once you get your work-out done, the rest of day is all fun!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentines Day

We just got home from a very long flight and time change of Hawaii.  For some reason I got my second wind and wanted to try and create something nice for our family meal that night. I had no energy to get to the grocery store, nor time, so it was a FUN challenge to see what I had kicking around the fridge, freezer and pantry to see what I could come up with!

Here it goes!

I found a few veggies in the crisper- made a salad...

I got a little crazy and tried to make pink heart shaped and X's and O's bread...hard to do in my micro oven ( the big oven is still not in operation! Don't even go there! I am so upset)  so it was a little over-baked....perhaps that means my family is over- loved!?  How cheesy!

 and we all love our snails baked in garlic butter and cute shells! Served on a shell!

and I had enough onions to make French Onion Soup with some Brandy on top, swiss cheese and guess what? I had to make mini pink heart shaped buns to toast and put inside....

then I had Lime Sorbet to serve to cleanse our palates but guess what? I forgot!  But I found this picture from't that a great way to serve it? I usually use mini martini glasses.

I found a couple of nice Beef Tenderloin steaks in the freezer. Defrosted, pan seared in garlic butter and then wrapped in some Phylo Pastry I also found in the freezer.  I didn't have any puffed pastry, and this wasn't ideal, but it worked out just fine.  I got a little crazy again and thinly sliced potatoes , cut into hearts, and seasoned with olive oil and herbs de provence.  Edamame for a garnish of green, as it looked so blah!

I had some strawberries in the fridge, so I dipped them in melted chocolate and made Coconut Macaroons for my very first time. WHO knew they were SO easy to make? I had to dye them pink...and yes, they got a little toasty due to the damn oven situation again!  But I knew we'd be getting chocolate for dessert anyway!  They were actually pretty good.

of course I had to set the table all pretty and lovey....I always happen to have themed decorations stored in the house....I can't believe I even found heart balloons!

I was impressed that I pulled this off without doing any grocery shopping prep!  All with what we had around the house. It wasn't perfect at all, but my gift to my family.  I even included a card with a detailed reason WHY I love each and every one of them SO much. Good days and bad...

What did MY sweetheart bring home for me?

and obnoxious card, chips, cheese, wine and a pack of lighters!  ( lighters!?!)  because we needed some for lighting candles and fires around the house.....and he said I complained that I didn't have enough CHEESE while in Hawaii ( they don't eat much cheese there....not sure why?)  too funny!

what a man....but I wouldn't want it any other way!


 You always need and deserve a good start to your day.  Egg whites, easy. Buy egg whites in a carton, add to a microwave container and cook quickly, top with fat free salsa, sour cream and cheese. Toast some grainy bread and add a little fruit. Voila.  You are about to have a great day!

Go ahead! Get that work-out done and then enjoy the lunch that you have packed for good muscle recovery! LOTS of protein..

Turkey sticks- ( low fat) Quiona salad with edamame, an egg, some cheese and more fruit. This will keep you going for the rest of the afternoon.  I sent this one with my husband for lunch. He quite enjoyed it.

Other ways to keep breakfast healthy and easy for those on the run.
I make these ahead of time. It seriously only takes me 10 minutes tops to make breakfast for my family for the week.

I use whole wheat English muffins, crack a bunch of eggs and fry them ( you can use egg whites if you'd like, but my kids need the extra fat and protein)  lean ham, no butter needed, and a slice of cheddar cheese.

Once cooled, wrap in paper towel and put in zip-lock bags.  Put in freezer.

The night before everyone has to remember to take one out of the freezer and put in the fridge. The following morning, take out of zip-lock bag, leave in towel, and microwave for 60 seconds.  DONE. Off you go!

snacks for school or on the go....
Fill your fridge with mini-zip locks of sliced oranges, carrots, cherry tomatoes, sugar snap peas, red pepper strips, celery ( they all store well- skip the cucumber, it doesn't last long) grapes, turkey sticks, dill pickles, cheese.....this makes lunch making so much easier. The kids can do it themselves.

Then keep another large container in your pantry for foods like granola bars, cookies, crackers, etc...