Friday, August 27, 2010

Our LOVE for making our own Pasta!

Nothing beats your own  fresh home-made pasta. The best part is we found a quick and easy recipe that kneads the dough in a bread machine of all things! NO mess! 25 minute of the paddle hitting the dough in the machine and then we have this beautiful dough ready for the Pasta Machine. My son loves making it. I do too, as it reminds me of playing with play- doh.

 We keep things simple and add my husbands home-made tomato sauce, minced garlic, fresh basil from the garden and lots of fresh grated paremesan cheese. YUM!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Excited about my Menu Tonight!

We are having my husbands secretary and her husband over for dinner tonight. I am working on my cook-book and need some "fancy" dinner party recipes...soooo

Here we go!

Cheese/chutney plate at our local vineyard

Icewine seared Scallops in a Vidal cream sauce- Served with Icewine of course.

Lobster and Truffle Twice baked Macaroni and Cheese- Served with a Chardonnay

Blue Cheese Fillet Mignon served on a medley of grilled vegetables with crispy prosciutto bits


Key Lime Sorbet

Then I cheated and went to the bakery and got a mixture of different individual pasties and mini cakes for dessert.

Can't do it ALL right!?