On Sunday we decided to roast two chickens on our Green Egg . Two of them so we would have leftovers for the meals to come. It worked out pretty great actually...
First night- Roasted Chicken with grilled Ontario peaches and goats cheese salad.
they weren't sitting very lady like....
My new fun thing to bake is bread. Fancy breads...I made a double batch and stuffed them with provolone cheese ( lots of it!) shaped into a ball, added fresh basil leaves and cherry tomatoes from the garden, sea salt and garlic butter on top. OH! so good.
I made up two of these baskets. One as a Hostess gift ( my friend was having us over for dinner) and one for an older neighbour. I got little jars from the dollar store and made my own butters. Maple Butter and fresh Herb butter)
I put it all in a basket, lined with a new fall dish towel, and wrapped it up with a THANK-YOU! I thought it turnd out kinda cute...
OK! so back to the chickens. Dinner.
While the grill was still on and the chickens resting, I grilled my sliced peaches...added them to Arugula, sliced tomatoes, and goats cheese. Drizzled with a salad dressing I made from grated orange juice, ginger, garlic, balsamic glaze and olive oil.
it came together quite nicely out on the deck ..then...
The Canadian Navy Ship- heading into our town.
9-11 No less?
No worries, it was there for a casual visit to show kids the ship, learn more about the Navy...
GOOD night.
GOOD Morning- Alan always makes me a great breakfast. My eggwhite, veggie omelette, he loves beans and rice from ( thanks to our Costa Rica Trip) and my dark rye toast. Fat free salsa and fat free sour cream with my hot coffee. I LOVE HIM.
Now our next dinner- Left over chicken. I roasted cubes of squash, added it to a chicken salad with the left over greens, tomatoes, and cheese curds I happened to buy that day. Served with bread. VERY good, as it was a hot night.
Night #3 Skinny Chicken Enchilada's. My kids favourite.
( AND I made an extra one to put in my freezer for another day) MOM!? are you reading this- they are in the small freezer if you want them.
I used the left over shredded chicken, with sauteed onions, garlic, tomato sauce, black beans and enchilada sauce in a pan. Added all the funky spices I wanted to heat it up...cilantro as well. Rolled in a whole wheat wrap. Put remaining sauce on top, lots of really old cheddar, for extra flavour. Baked one, froze another one for another day. Top with cilantro and sour cream.
The family loved it.
Notice- water now. It's a week night! I am trying to limit my wine consumption---but I miss it, so I put my Perier in a wine glass! ha!
Now, I think we will be having a DIFFERENT kind of meat tomorrow night...as much as I LOVE chicken, this is getting ridiculous!